New features on Freshjobs

Freshjobs is now available in English

Speech Bubble

In the latest release, we decided that it was time, that the Freshjobs platform should not only available in German and French but also in English. After several days of development and translation work, the time has finally come!

We have not only improved the website with an additional language, but have also added a chat function and made the payment methods more secure.

Chat with us

We find chats for short clarifications extremely practical. That’s why you can now get immediate answers to your questions on Freshjobs. You can find the chat icon on in the bottom right-hand corner and you will get answers from the Freshjobs team and not from a bot :-)

More secure payments

Payments at Freshjobs are now processed even more securely. We now support Strong Customer Authentication (SCA), which aims to reduce fraud and make online payments more secure. For you, this means that an additional authentication step is required when paying and you will be asked for the 3D Secure identity when paying by credit card. Apart from that, the payment methods do not change.

Have fun with the new features!